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Video Doorbell Review

Smart Video Doorbell Review. Amazing Customer Reviews.

video doorbell

September 11, 2020 – Video Doorbell Review. This Smart Doorbell Lets You Watch over Your Home, Even When You’re a Thousand Miles Away… (It’s Genius!). Video Doorbell official website is at the bottom of this article.

Want to know who’s at your door, even when you’re away from home?

When it comes to knowing who’s at your door before you actually open it, there’s nothing better than a video doorbell.

After all, peepholes can get smudged, wet, and physically blocked, which means you may not know who’s on the other side, be it be a relative, your neighbor, the pizza delivery guy, or a total stranger.

A video doorbell eliminates these possibilities, helping you feel more secure in your home. Regardless of whether or not you’re at home, you’ll be able to see who’s come a-knockin’, and even hear and talk to the person standing on your doorstep.

thief on doorstep

If you’re like us, then you’ve probably noticed more thieves in nullUnited Kingdom recently?

According to a recent FBI Crime Statistics report, there were an estimated 1.5 million worldwide burglaries committed over the course of a year, with more than 70 percent of them being residential. Surprisingly, the majority of these crimes occurred during daylight hours, with access gained through a door or window.

One easy way to safeguard against property theft, home invasion, porch pirates, and even unwanted solicitors is to identify who is at your doorstep before opening your door.

Enter the Video Doorbell, a first line of defense for homeowners that not only lets you see and speak with whoever is outside, but will also record footage of visitors that approach your door while you’re away or unable to answer.

What is it all about?

answer your doorbell anywhere in the world

It’s called the Video Doorbell — a smart doorbell that notifies homeowners when they have company.

That said, it doesn’t just notify with the ring of a bell. Unlike a traditional doorbell, it can send push notifications directly to your phone — whether you’re home or away — acts like a surveillance camera so you can view activity outside your door, and has a two-way talk feature that allows you to interact with visitors.

It’s stylish, modern, very easy to control and it can keep your home and family safe!

People all over the world are using it to protect their homes — the results are incredible…

How does it work?

how does video doorbell work

The video doorbell camera works by allowing you to view live video of whoever is outside your door, without having to open the door, move a curtain or peak through a window… This allows you to discreetly view who is at the door without making your presence known!

Not only does this make it possible to screen your door visitors the same way caller ID works for your phone calls, but you also don’t have to let a stranger or potential intruder know you are home.

You can view a live video image from outside your front door and watch your video feed from your smartphone. It is more subtle than a security camera while still providing the functionality of a doorbell.

See Video Doorbell In Action:

How Much Does It Cost?

You’d be suprised to find that you can get it right now for just $99 (versus $279.99 in speciality stores!). It might seem expensive at first, but when you consider most devices need regular batteries replaced and have way less functionalities, this is a pretty good deal.
In fact, competitor products using the same technology are priced over $250!

When you look at the rise in crimes committed each year, then $99 seems like a good deal for a piece of mind that you are protected.

We think the price is a fair one to keep yourself and family protected.

How To Buy a Video Doorbell?

That’s super easy. You can buy it from the supplier’s website by clicking here.

Some Amazing Features of a Video Doorbell…

video doorbell features

Does Video Doorbell Live Up to its Promises?

Here’s some impressive feedback we got on the Video Doorbell from our internal staff testing…

customer review 1

“Absolutely love this door bell. I thought it was an extra and shouldn’t get it. However, I was able to communicate with other people from my neighborhood through the app and I was also able to see ‘possible’ looters driving around in a pickup truck with a trailer attached… someone in the neighborhood caught them on video checking doors to see if any houses were unlocked! They were able to report them to the police and the looters were caught. Fantastic!”

review 3

“Install was quick and easy. Installing the app on my phone was the same. Being a 100% disable Veteran, I can’t always jump up to answer the door, but with the Video Doorbell I don’t have to worry about jumping up any more. For me, a great investment!”

Conclusion: Is the Video Doorbell really worth it?

In short, yes! If you have a door, you’ll want a doorbell that can see what’s going on. Our entire staff was blown away by the Video Doorbell and loved it:


  • It’ll be your most-used security camera.
  • It’s not that expensive.
  • Stylish and Professional Design
  • Push Notification Alerts
  • 8-12 Months Long Lasting Battery Life
  • Sharp 720 HD Video

Bottomline: If you have a home, you should consider the Video Doorbell. It’s one of those surprising connected home products that I’ve only been happy with, and that has proven itself time and time again.

product picture

Where can I get my Video Doorbell?

If it’s still in stock, here’s where you can get yours:

Order a genuine Video Doorbell from the official website here for the cheapest price.

SPECIAL PROMOTION: For a limited time, get 50% off and free shipping!

John Phillips has been reviewing tech for the last 15 years, working out of NYC. She has a passion for innovative technology and wearable devices which add value to normal peoples lives.


Here are the top 10 smart home gadgets for 2024 that are set to redefine how we live

These top 10 smart home gadgets for 2024 highlight the remarkable technological advancements that are enhancing our daily lives by offering convenience, safety, and entertainment. From smart thermostats that adapt to your routines to security systems that bring a sense of calmness, these innovations are just a glimpse into what the future holds for home automation. With these advancements, we anticipate an array of interconnected solutions that will elevate our day-to-day experiences even more.

1. Innovative Smart Thermostats

Smart thermostats have undergone significant advancements in 2024, offering enhanced features such as learning schedules and preferences. They now utilize artificial intelligence to optimize energy consumption by adjusting temperatures based on weather forecasts and daily routines. Leading models from Nest and Ecobee ensure comfort and energy efficiency.

2. Voice Activated Assistants

Voice-activated assistants like Amazon’s Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple’s Siri have become household tools. In 2024, these assistants are more intuitive and seamlessly integrated than ever before. They can manage devices, provide information, play music, and assist with tasks such as grocery shopping or setting reminders. The latest versions boast improved natural language processing capabilities for more human-like interactions.

3. Advanced Smart Lighting Systems

Smart lighting systems have made significant progress in 2024 with companies such as Philips Hue and LIFX offering bulbs and fixtures that can be controlled through smartphone apps or voice commands. These systems enable users to customize the color, brightness, and timing of their lights to create the perfect atmosphere for any situation. Some systems also come equipped with motion sensors and daylight detection features, automatically adjusting the lighting based on the time of day and occupancy.

4. Enhanced Home Security Cameras

Enhancements in home security have been remarkable, thanks to advanced security cameras. Leading brands like Arlo, Ring, and Nest have introduced models with features like 4K resolution, night vision, and facial recognition technology. These cameras can be accessed remotely via smartphone apps, allowing homeowners to monitor their property from anywhere. Moreover, many of these cameras seamlessly integrate with other smart home devices to provide a comprehensive security solution.

5. Smart Doorbells

The latest smart doorbells from Ring and Nest Hello offer an additional layer of security and convenience. These devices are equipped with high-definition video capabilities, two-way audio communication features, and motion detection sensors. When someone approaches your door, you receive notifications on your smartphone, allowing you to see, hear, and interact with visitors even when you are away from home. Some models also provide package detection, notifying you when a delivery has arrived.

6. Innovative Lock Systems

No more searching for keys in your bag! Advanced locks from brands like August, Yale, and Schlage have revolutionized home security. With these locks, you can manage your door lock using your smartphone from anywhere. Some models even come with features like fingerprint recognition and automatic locking when you step out. They also allow you to create access codes for visitors, eliminating the need for keys.

7. Efficient Smart Plugs and Outlets

Smart plugs and outlets offer a way to enhance your home’s efficiency. These gadgets from TP-Link and Wemo enable you to control any plugged-in device through your smartphone or voice commands. You can schedule when devices should be powered on or off, track energy consumption, and establish automation routines. For instance, you can set up your coffee maker to start brewing as soon as your alarm rings.

8. Central Smart Home Systems

A smart home hub is crucial for integrating and managing smart devices in your home. The latest hubs, like Samsung SmartThings and Apple HomePod, provide improved compatibility and user-friendly interfaces. These central hubs act as the control center for all your devices, allowing for smooth automation and coordination. They are designed to work with a variety of protocols, ensuring they can connect with different types of devices.

9. Smart Appliances

Smart appliances have become increasingly popular in 2024, including refrigerators, ovens, and washing machines. Leading brands such as LG, Samsung, and Whirlpool have introduced appliances that can be controlled remotely through smartphone apps. These smart devices offer features like managing inventory, suggesting recipes, and monitoring energy efficiency. For example, smart refrigerators can alert you when you’re running low on groceries and recommend recipes based on the ingredients you have.

10. Home Entertainment Systems

The realm of home entertainment has evolved with the introduction of advanced home entertainment systems. Products like Sonos speakers, Roku streaming devices, and Samsung and LG smart TVs provide high-quality audio and video experiences. These systems can be managed using smartphones or voice commands and seamlessly integrate with other smart home gadgets. Imagine setting up a home theater system that automatically adjusts the lighting and temperature when you start watching a movie.

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Pet Gadgets

BarXStop Review. Read Before Buying.

How This ‘New-Aged Device’ Finally Got My Dog to Behave… (and Probably Saved My Job, Too)

How This ‘New-Aged Device’ Finally Got My Dog to Behave… (and Probably Saved My Job, Too). Meet the incredible BarXStop device.

Are you working from home more because of the Pandemic?

If so, you know it can be tough adjusting to a new routine… especially if you have a noisy or distracting environment.

Two months ago, that’s the situation I was in.

Because Peanut, my Boston Terrier, didn’t like the idea of me working from home.

a dog

In his mind, me being home meant playtime… and when I wouldn’t play, he pouted.

The little guy didn’t realize I’m a Hospital Case Manager, with important work to do. And when I shut the door to focus on my patients, he whined, scratched, and tried to dig his way in.

It was impossible to focus… so I tried putting him in his cage (with plenty of water, food, and toys) in the laundry room.

But that only made things worse. Instead of whining, Peanut started barking his head off.

It didn’t matter that he was in another room… I could hear him clear as day and still couldn’t get anything done.

Finally, I decided to just let him in the room with me. Problem solved, right?

Not so much. You see, Peanut’s high-strung, and anything can set him off… which is what happened at the worst possible time.

my pet

I was on a conference call with my boss doing my annual performance review, when out of nowhere, all hell broke loose.

My boss was mid-sentence when Peanut saw a squirrel outside… just like that, he burst into attack mode, barking, screaming, and racing around the room.

I had to get up and chase him down… all while my boss watched from her computer, an annoyed look on her face.

When I was finally able to corral him, I was so worked up, I asked to reschedule the call. I felt angry, embarrassed, and guilty… like I only had myself to blame.

You see, I’d never taken the time to properly train Peanut.

I tried when he was a puppy, but could never get it to stick… so I basically let him get away with misbehaving.

But now that I was working from home, things had to change. If they didn’t, Peanut’s bad behavior could put my job at risk.

I was desperate, and didn’t know what to do… so I reached out to the one I thought could help me.

Advice From an Expert

Jenny is a sweet older woman who lives down the street from me.

Besides making the best potato salad in the neighborhood, she’s a dog trainer known for raising champion Pomeranians.

I called her up, and told her what happened.

“Oh boy,” Jenny said with a chuckle. “I think I have just the thing… bring Peanut by tomorrow, and I’ll show you what I know.”

The next morning was a clear, beautiful Saturday. I put Peanut’s harness on, and we walked the four blocks to Jenny’s house.

When we got inside, I told her everything: the non-stop whining, the barking, even the chaos of the conference call. All the stress came back up, and I nearly started crying.

What Jenny did next surprised me. She simply got up from her chair, then motioned for me to follow her. “Let’s go out back,” she said. “I want Peanut to meet the boys.”

Outside, Alfie and Odie – Jenny’s Pomeranians – were hanging out in their cage.

Of course, Peanut went crazy as soon as he saw them… he barked, screamed, and pulled at his leash.

But Alfie and Odie just sat there, cool as a cucumber, watching everything. No barking, no commotion.

“How did you train them so well?” I asked.

“Here, let me show you,” she replied.

Then Jenny did something incredible: she pulled a small device from her pocket, pointed it at Peanut, and pressed a button…

Immediately, the barking stopped. He stopped straining too, and sat back on his haunches, looking at Jenny.

I couldn’t believe it! My jaw dropped open. “How on earth did you do that?” I asked.

“My secret weapon,” Jenny said with a grin, holding up the device.

It’s called a BarxBuddy… it uses soundwaves only dogs can hear to break their attention and calm them down. Just point, press, and the bad behavior stops.

Jenny said it was the best dog training tool she had ever found, and the one she used to train Alfie, Odie, and all her past dogs.

I Had to Try it Myself

As soon as I got home, I went online to read about the BarXStop.

It had excellent reviews… but what intrigued me was the pet-safe technology.

The ‘ultrasonic tone’ it makes is irresistible to dogs. If your dog is barking, whining, jumping, or fighting, BarXStop breaks their attention and makes them behave… while being 100% safe and harmless (which is a must for me).

BarXStop device

Eager to try it myself, I ordered the BarXStop from their website (it’s only available online). In just a few days, I had the device hand.

How does BarXStop work?

Well, once I got BarXStop, everything changed with Peanut.

When he would start barking, I just pointed the device at him and pressed the button. The barking stopped, instantly. Just like Jenny showed me.

After everything me and Peanut had been through, I couldn’t believe how easy it was!

And here’s the best part: after using BarXStop a handful of times, I didn’t have to press the button anymore. Just picking it up was enough to make Peanut behave.

These days, Peanut is calm and relaxed… and I’m getting plenty of work done at home. He’s happy, I’m happy, and it’s all thanks to the BarXStop.

Would I recommend BarXStop to other pet owners working from home?

Absolutely. If you’re looking for a safe, effective way to get your dog to behave, definitely check it out. It’s been a life saver for me.

To learn more about BarXStop and find out how you can order one for yourself, click the button below:

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ElectroSave Review

New Device Saves Thousands of Customers 100’s On Their Electricity Bill.

September 05, 2020 – ElectroSave Review on Gadgets Rated. Revolutionary new gadget released which can save you 100’s on your power bills. Thousands of customers are already savings hundreds on their bills. Easy installation.

Stop Overpaying on Your Electricity Bill and Check Out This New Power Saving Device…

Summary: A Japanese power saving invention is saving people in Japan a lot of money! Houses across Japan are already seeing their bills dropping by as much as 50% and the energy ministry is ecstatic. This might just be the first good news we’ve had in 2020! You can now get your ElectroSave with 50% Discount and Free Delivery!

Are you struggling to keep up with your electricity bills each month? Are you trying and failing to understand where it even all comes from? Do you like trees? If the answer to either of these is yes then you have to look into this new device. 

It’s a little-known fact that most of your electric devices continue to consume electricity while they’re plugged in, even when they’re off. Both our wallets and our planet are very much affected by it, yet we remain oblivious. No longer. A brand-new device is changing the picture, stopping unnecessary power usage and already earning a new unofficial slogan: Save money, save the world. 

What Are We Talking About?

power unit

It’s called the ElectroSave, and it’s going to change the world. A Japanese eco-startup was studying ways to reduce household energy consumption when they discovered just how much electricity is being expended without our knowledge.  

Their solution was a smart device plugged into your socket and stopping this from happening. 

Saving energy while also protecting from the damage of power surges and outages. 

They honestly weren’t even thinking about the financial side, they just wanted to do what’s good for the planet, but people all over Japan have been snapping it up and it’s really just a win-win for everyone involved. In a year we thought could only get worse, is 2020 finally starting to look up? Continue reading our review to find out! 

Does It Really Work?

Well, the short answer is yes. But let’s go over our experience in case you aren’t convinced.  The device is a small box plugged into your standard wall socket. We plugged it in at our office and promptly forgot it was even there for a month.  

Now our office, of course, does not work 24/7. People go home, computers get turned off, but apparently the electricity bill keeps on ticking silently in the background. It was only when our finances guy came to me and slammed the new and improved bill in front of me that it dawned on us just how big the difference was.  

Easy ElectroSave Installation

Once you’ve plugged it in, ElectroSave will get to work. Within a few days, it will begin to make efficient use of your energy while allowing you to reap the rewards of a more robust household appliance life-cycle. In just a short time, you will have made your money back on your initial purchase. Appliances always draw more power than they need to run due to inefficiencies and noise on the sine wave.

ElectroSave reduces this noise therefore decreases the amount of electricity wasted. It does not change what the meter reads or steal extra power from anywhere, it just uses the energy more efficiently therefore needing less of it. The ElectroSave literally is a fire and forget solution in your war against the monthly power bill, and global warming: 

  • Internationally certified and compatible worldwide. 
  • Very easy to use. Literally just plug it in and forget about it. 
  • Protects from power surges, lightning strikes and such. 
  • Helps protect your devices from sudden power outages. 
  • Can save you up to 50% in power usage each month.

Results may vary depending on how many appliances you have, but are significant even for small apartments. The ElectroSave literally paid for itself, three times over, during its first month in our office (and all the time since). Since it’s so easy to forget it’s there, we started a new office tradition of going out for a drink to spend some of the money saved by it.  

How Much Does the ElectroSave Cost?

Now You’re probably wondering how much it costs to see how much you can save. Well the original retail price of the ElectroSave is a mere 79,90€ , which really easily pays for itself in power savings, but the company is still having a world-wide launch sale, cutting the price by 50% and with free worldwide shipping to boot! (Now Only 39 €) 

Really, we, and by we I mean our finance guy, have been left dumbfounded. The device delivers on every promise, it’s on an amazing sale and it provides so much value that we really don’t see why every house in the would should come with one of these pre-installed. Heck sooner or later it probably going to happen.  

All we really can say after this experience is Save money, Save the world. 

Click here to check if the ElectroSave promotion is still live >>> 

98% Of ElectroSave Customers Recommend This Device To Their Friends

electrosave review 1

“I actually got this because the power grid in my area is so terrible, I’ve had to replace a computer and a refrigerator due to power surge and outages damage. It’s been a life saver and that’s even before I saw the difference in my power bill!”

electrosave review 2

“OMG this thing saved my life this summer. I was sent on unpaid leave and I literally had to pick between watching TV and eating because I couldn’t afford both! And the best thing is, It’s green! My friends really hate me when I nag them on how important it is to limit power consumption, especially in the summer time, and now I can give them an easy recommendation that they won’t hate me over! Thanks ElectroSave!”

save on your energy bills

“I don’t normally write reviews for products, but I took time out of my day to write this because the device truly has been a grand help in cutting my company’s expenses. Everyone knows running costs are one of the biggest money sinks and the ElectroSave is, and this device delivers on every promise”

Conclusions: Should You Get a ElectroSave?

Do you not like money? Or clean air? Yes, of course you should get the ElectroSave. Remember all those ads about passive household income? Well those ads are all lies, but this little device is your key to passively saving money and the environment!


  • Plug and Play. Just Plug It in and Start Saving Energy
  • Saves Up to 50% in Power Usage on Your Electricity Bill
  • Compatible Worldwide
  • Protects From Power Surges and Lightning Strikes
  • Helps Protect Your Devices From Power Outrages


  • May Be Running Out Of Stock Soon.

How to Get it?

Now you can save so much with this device, you’re probably itching to know how to get one, so here’re the simple steps:

  1. Order an original ElectroSave from the official supplier website here.
  2. When you receive it, open the package and plug it into your wall.
  3. Start saving money on your next electricity bill.

TIP: ElectroSave is a great gift because it will save everybody who receives it a ton of money!

Click here to claim your ElectroSave with 50% discount – Free worldwide shipping for a limited time >>>

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